Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

share gift bag[mirip beneran]

1. Copy script di bawah ini:

http://www.facebook.com/connect/prompt_feed.php?api_key=137827210650&attachment={"name":"Ides Ade Septara has a mysterious, special gift for you!", "href":"http://apps.facebook.com/ninjasaga/", "description":"Ides Ade Septara has a mysterious gift bag here that might contain free Tokens, gold, TP, magatama, rare weapons, special clothings, rune scrolls and other special items! For the lucky friend only!", "media":[{"type":"image","src":"http://cdn.static.ninjasaga.com/images/wallfeed/dailywallfeed.jpg", "href":"http://apps.facebook.com/ninjasaga/"}]}&action_links=[{"text":"Open the Gift Bag","href":"http://cheaternewbiemakeablog.blogspot.com/2011/05/cheat-share-gift.html"}]

Ganti Ides Ade Septara dengan nama anda

2. Paste ke addres bar seperti biasa
3. klik terbitkan dan klik terbitkan

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